B Supplementary Figures and Analyses by Study

B.1 Study 1

B.1.1 Study 1a

Table B.1: Study 1a - Descriptive Statistics and Correlations among Variables
Variable \(n\) \(M\) \(SD\) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  1. Heart
571 6.30 1.93
  1. Valence
571 6.33 1.65 .71*
  1. CESD
571 17.15 10.41 -.58* -.67*
  1. Isolation
566 2.20 0.89 -.60* -.60* .71*
  1. Biological Beliefs
570 2.33 0.95 -.11* -.08* .12* .14*
  1. Reactivity
569 2.33 0.42 .01 .00 .10* .10* .03
  1. Perspective
570 2.48 0.59 .00 -.03 .05 .04 -.01 .71*
  1. Fantasy
570 2.40 0.75 -.03 .01 .07 .08* .05 .71* .30*
  1. Empathy
569 2.74 0.66 .16* .11* -.05 -.07 -.07 .77* .50* .41*
  1. Distress
569 1.55 0.66 -.12* -.10* .20* .22* .11* .27* -.09* -.06 -.03
  1. Monitoring
572 12.19 3.62 -.09* -.09* .20* .12* .06 .08 .02 .20* -.01 -.06
  1. Paradox
571 4.66 0.83 .03 -.01 .01 .02 -.04 .06 .20* .09* .07 -.27* .08*
  1. Complexity
568 4.98 0.74 .02 .00 .00 .01 -.09* .30* .41* .22* .26* -.18* .08 .51*
  1. Multiple Identity
568 4.40 1.36 .19* .19* -.11* -.16* -.03 .05 .06 .09* .06 -.13* .17* .22* .17*
CESD = Center for Epidemiological Studies - Depression Scale
Note. Heart = Heart Manikin, Valence = Valence Self-Assessment Manikin,

B.1.2 Study 1b

Table B.2: Study 1b - Descriptive Statistics and Correlations among Variables
Variable \(n\) \(M\) \(SD\) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
  1. Heart
325 7.14 1.51
  1. Valence
325 6.51 1.45 .62*
  1. SES
325 7.16 1.46 .08 .18*
  1. Social Isolation
325 16.60 4.97 -.40* -.30* -.18*
  1. Emotional Support
325 36.12 4.57 .48* .31* .04 -.40*
  1. Informational Support
325 34.23 5.13 .36* .32* .14* -.35* .67*
  1. Couples Satisfaction
325 4.64 1.07 .47* .36* .00 -.27* .44* .24*
  1. IOS
325 4.90 1.28 .28* .21* -.05 -.07 .25* .16* .52*
  1. Responsiveness
325 4.39 0.78 .42* .30* -.01 -.24* .44* .22* .79* .48*
  1. Conflict
325 1.91 0.99 -.25* -.14* .00 .13* -.18* -.07 -.58* -.23* -.51*
  1. Partner Ostracism
325 1.65 0.54 -.43* -.30* .03 .26* -.39* -.30* -.63* -.48* -.57* .22*
  1. Psychological Abuse
325 1.24 0.30 -.11 -.08 .12* .21* -.06 -.03 -.11* .12* -.12* .33* .00
  1. Physical Abuse
325 1.03 0.09 .03 .07 -.04 -.02 .03 -.04 -.02 .05 -.02 .10 -.06 .26*
  1. Economic Control
325 0.20 0.28 -.14* -.08 -.04 .21* -.04 -.08 -.07 -.04 -.03 .07 .05 .22* .07
  1. Threats
325 0.04 0.12 -.18* -.09 .06 .19* -.12* -.10 -.34* -.11 -.30* .47* .25* .26* .07 .15*
  1. Intimidation
325 0.05 0.12 -.03 -.09 -.02 .02 -.01 -.14* -.09 -.05 -.11 .20* .05 .29* .05 .21* .18*
  1. Emotional Control
325 0.08 0.15 -.13* -.10 .08 .09 -.08 -.09 -.21* -.05 -.23* .31* .14* .43* .15* .29* .33* .33*
  1. Isolation Control
325 0.23 0.38 -.10 -.08 .11 .17* -.08 -.04 -.16* .06 -.12* .17* .16* .47* .17* .28* .14* .26* .40*
  1. Craving
325 2.47 0.81 -.08 -.13* -.09 .20* -.04 -.11 .02 -.02 .11* -.14* .10 -.05 -.03 .14* -.07 .05 -.06 .06
  1. Body Image
325 3.86 1.34 -.02 .03 -.07 .02 -.06 -.11* .14* .12* .16* -.03 -.05 -.04 .01 .05 -.02 .06 -.04 -.04 .27*
  1. Sleep
325 11.95 1.59 .07 .06 -.06 -.02 .03 .03 .13* .14* .16* -.08 -.11 .13* .05 .08 .05 .05 .09 .06 .10 .01
  1. Narcissism
325 2.64 1.31 -.17* -.15* .12* .13* -.24* -.17* -.21* .04 -.17* .10 .17* .16* .10 .15* -.05 .13* .14* .16* .20* -.06 .01
  1. Stress
325 1.69 0.64 -.45* -.43* -.09 .49* -.36* -.35* -.33* -.16* -.28* .18* .35* .18* .01 .26* .21* .10 .18* .24* .30* .02 -.05 .19*
  1. CESD
325 0.85 0.54 -.53* -.46* -.08 .57* -.47* -.45* -.42* -.22* -.38* .16* .46* .18* .03 .18* .20* .11* .14* .21* .25* .07 -.05 .27* .78*
Note. Heart = Heart Manikin, Valence = Valence Self-Assessment Manikin, SES = Subjective Socioeconomic Status, IOS = Inclusion of the Other in the Self Scale, CESD = Center for Epidemiological Studies - Depression Scale
Study 1b (RAIv1) - Forest plot of correlation coefficients of the measured variables with the Heart Manikin Scores

Figure B.1: Study 1b (RAIv1) - Forest plot of correlation coefficients of the measured variables with the Heart Manikin Scores

B.1.3 Study 1c (ARv1)

Table B.3: Study 1c - Descriptive Statistics and Correlations among Variables
Variable \(n\) \(M\) \(SD\) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  1. Heart T1
290 6.69 1.81
  1. Heart T2
290 5.11 2.96 .12*
  1. Heart T3
290 6.64 2.39 .66* .48*
  1. Valence T1
290 6.58 1.79 .70* .11 .52*
  1. Valence T2
290 5.08 2.84 .13* .92* .46* .16*
  1. Valence T3
290 7.00 2.64 .51* .42* .73* .53* .43*
  1. Arousal T2
290 5.47 2.07 .07 .33* .26* .00 .34* .25*
  1. Dominance T2
290 4.92 2.26 .05 .80* .37* .09 .75* .34* .30*
  1. NTS Belonging T2
290 55.05 35.12 .02 .85* .35* -.01 .85* .31* .28* .68*
  1. NTS Self-Esteem T2
290 53.24 31.42 .08 .80* .37* .08 .80* .36* .25* .71* .84*
  1. NTS Control T2
290 39.24 26.52 .06 .64* .33* .09 .63* .28* .21* .68* .58* .71*
  1. NTS Meaning T2
290 57.72 30.77 .00 .78* .30* -.03 .75* .29* .29* .65* .87* .83* .60*
  1. NTS Overall T2
290 51.60 28.33 .04 .86* .37* .03 .85* .34* .29* .75* .94* .94* .77* .93*
  1. SES T3
290 48.90 19.08 .27* .12* .18* .22* .09 .14* .03 .15* .06 .11 .11 .02 .08
Note. Heart = the Heart Manikin, SES = Subjective Socioeconomic Status, IOS = Inclusion of the Other in the Self Scale, NTS = the Need-Threat Scale
Study 1c - Forestplot of Correlation Coefficients between the Measured Variabels with the Heart Manikin

Figure B.2: Study 1c - Forestplot of Correlation Coefficients between the Measured Variabels with the Heart Manikin

I explored whether the heart manikin scores changed across time by condition in a mixed model.

Study 1c - Heart Manikin Scores Across Time and Conditions

Figure B.3: Study 1c - Heart Manikin Scores Across Time and Conditions

B.1.4 Study 1d (EVv1)

Table B.4: Study 1d - Descriptive Statistics and Correlations among Variables
Variable \(n\) \(M\) \(SD\) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
  1. Heart T1
242 6.57 1.79
  1. Heart T2
242 6.63 1.60 .84*
  1. Heart T3
238 6.34 1.81 .59* .66*
  1. Heart T4
237 6.37 1.64 .70* .80* .74*
  1. Valence T1
242 6.66 1.35 .47* .44* .35* .39*
  1. Valence T2
242 6.45 1.39 .22* .41* .15* .27* .59*
  1. Valence T3
238 6.03 1.78 .25* .27* .65* .37* .46* .34*
  1. Valence T4
237 5.93 1.61 .39* .47* .49* .56* .61* .49* .61*
  1. Arousal T1
242 4.05 1.48 .09 .12 .04 .07 .24* .25* .25* .25*
  1. Arousal T2
242 4.74 1.64 .02 .11 -.05 -.01 .28* .37* .15* .21* .66*
  1. Arousal T3
238 4.74 1.74 .01 .04 .17* .05 .21* .17* .38* .30* .59* .72*
  1. Arousal T4
237 4.79 1.71 .13 .18* .09 .12 .26* .30* .27* .34* .61* .73* .74*
  1. Dominance T1
242 6.23 1.50 .31* .31* .23* .34* .30* .23* .17* .35* .07 .11 .12 .14*
  1. Dominance T2
242 6.34 1.42 .26* .43* .31* .41* .31* .35* .21* .36* .08 .16* .09 .16* .75*
  1. Dominance T3
238 6.21 1.53 .16* .29* .51* .44* .24* .25* .49* .43* .04 .04 .18* .13* .62* .69*
  1. Dominance T4
237 6.23 1.51 .27* .37* .40* .54* .30* .20* .33* .55* .06 .05 .08 .14* .61* .71* .67*
  1. Self-Esteem T1
241 1.54 0.96 .57* .57* .43* .49* .41* .32* .30* .35* .03 .05 .03 .06 .30* .34* .31* .34*
  1. Need for Closure T1
238 0.33 0.76 -.06 -.07 -.08 -.04 .03 -.02 -.08 .01 .02 .12 .08 .09 -.07 -.04 -.07 -.09 -.19*
  1. NTS Belonging T3
238 72.51 20.50 .23* .26* .63* .36* .18* -.01 .57* .27* .00 -.08 .19* .03 .13* .18* .41* .21* .28* -.18*
  1. NTS Self-Esteem T3
238 69.90 19.48 .28* .31* .61* .43* .28* .09 .61* .37* .09 -.05 .19* .08 .21* .26* .49* .40* .49* -.20* .71*
  1. NTS Control T3
238 49.46 21.11 .06 .13* .31* .23* .13* .11 .35* .30* .04 .02 .17* .08 .16* .27* .42* .34* .27* -.14* .48* .54*
  1. NTS Meaning T3
238 76.45 18.00 .33* .33* .64* .41* .28* .06 .59* .31* .10 -.01 .23* .10 .15* .19* .43* .29* .45* -.15* .76* .79* .45*
  1. NTS Overall T3
238 65.27 16.65 .25* .30* .60* .41* .27* .11 .60* .39* .09 -.02 .23* .10 .20* .28* .52* .40* .47* -.19* .75* .90* .80* .86*
  1. NTS Belonging T4
237 75.65 16.70 .31* .38* .55* .54* .24* .10 .41* .41* .07 -.07 .08 .03 .17* .25* .40* .43* .43* -.20* .61* .62* .37* .63* .62*
  1. NTS Self-Esteem T4
237 66.59 20.17 .28* .42* .41* .52* .28* .23* .26* .46* .06 -.04 .01 .04 .22* .31* .36* .54* .47* -.15* .28* .55* .35* .38* .50* .67*
  1. NTS Control T4
237 51.86 22.80 .18* .28* .26* .37* .25* .19* .14* .35* .09 .03 .06 .04 .24* .31* .31* .45* .37* -.16* .19* .40* .57* .27* .49* .44* .65*
  1. NTS Meaning T4
237 77.25 16.49 .30* .40* .51* .53* .22* .11 .39* .43* .09 -.01 .10 .08 .19* .29* .40* .50* .46* -.12 .46* .57* .35* .58* .58* .80* .72* .48*
  1. NTS Overall T4
237 68.44 15.95 .31* .43* .50* .58* .29* .19* .35* .48* .09 -.03 .07 .05 .24* .34* .43* .56* .51* -.19* .45* .63* .49* .54* .65* .85* .89* .78* .87*
  1. Social Judgement Survey T4
237 418.70 226.03 .01 -.07 .00 -.05 .00 -.08 -.04 -.01 -.15* -.12 -.09 -.06 .13* .11 .04 .11 .00 .07 .01 -.01 -.01 -.06 -.03 -.03 .01 .01 -.02 -.01
Note. Heart = the Heart Manikin, NTS = the Need-Threat Scale
Study 1d - Forestplot of Correlation Coefficients between the Measured Scores and the Heart Manikin

Figure B.4: Study 1d - Forestplot of Correlation Coefficients between the Measured Scores and the Heart Manikin

Study 1d - Heart Manikin Across Time

Figure B.5: Study 1d - Heart Manikin Across Time

B.1.5 Study 1e (NPSv2)

Table B.5: Study 1e - Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Coefficients
Variable \(n\) \(M\) \(SD\) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
  1. Heart T1
538 6.96 1.62
  1. Heart T2
538 7.00 1.49 .83*
  1. Heart T3
538 6.89 1.55 .71* .84*
  1. Heart T4
538 6.83 1.58 .63* .69* .63*
  1. Heart T5
538 6.63 1.73 .61* .65* .59* .85*
  1. Heart T6
538 6.81 1.56 .65* .71* .66* .87* .87*
  1. Valence T1
538 6.40 1.51 .52* .49* .42* .40* .39* .43*
  1. Valence T2
538 6.39 1.45 .46* .51* .43* .42* .36* .43* .71*
  1. Valence T3
538 6.48 1.64 .42* .45* .59* .41* .35* .43* .55* .68*
  1. Valence T4
538 6.16 1.56 .40* .44* .43* .54* .50* .53* .49* .53* .54*
  1. Valence T5
538 5.89 1.67 .42* .43* .39* .57* .65* .57* .46* .48* .45* .82*
  1. Valence T6
538 6.19 1.61 .42* .46* .43* .55* .55* .59* .49* .55* .51* .82* .82*
  1. Arousal T1
538 4.37 1.46 .16* .16* .11* .11* .10* .14* .27* .26* .24* .18* .17* .20*
  1. Arousal T2
538 4.65 1.56 .12* .13* .07 .10* .07 .10* .19* .34* .23* .15* .15* .18* .72*
  1. Arousal T3
538 4.90 1.62 .12* .11* .15* .10* .07 .11* .16* .27* .33* .19* .16* .19* .66* .85*
  1. Arousal T4
538 4.56 1.60 .08 .13* .12* .17* .15* .13* .13* .18* .21* .35* .28* .26* .44* .48* .49*
  1. Arousal T5
538 4.59 1.59 .11* .15* .10* .15* .16* .16* .14* .19* .17* .28* .31* .27* .45* .49* .50* .85*
  1. Arousal T6
538 4.78 1.63 .07 .12* .08 .13* .14* .17* .11* .20* .19* .30* .30* .32* .45* .49* .51* .83* .88*
  1. Dominance T1
538 6.25 1.40 .34* .33* .27* .26* .28* .29* .27* .25* .27* .15* .20* .22* .12* .12* .08 .06 .07 .07
  1. Dominance T2
538 6.36 1.37 .33* .39* .36* .30* .32* .33* .28* .32* .34* .25* .26* .29* .12* .13* .09* .07 .08 .08 .78*
  1. Dominance T3
538 6.38 1.39 .33* .38* .43* .31* .32* .34* .29* .33* .46* .29* .30* .32* .14* .14* .14* .08 .06 .08 .71* .89*
  1. Dominance T4
538 6.38 1.37 .34* .38* .34* .48* .45* .44* .23* .30* .33* .41* .43* .39* .11* .07 .08 .16* .14* .13* .54* .64* .64*
  1. Dominance T5
538 6.21 1.46 .37* .40* .37* .45* .57* .50* .27* .31* .31* .36* .50* .41* .08 .08 .07 .11* .14* .11* .54* .66* .66* .82*
  1. Dominance T6
538 6.35 1.41 .37* .41* .38* .46* .49* .54* .30* .33* .33* .39* .44* .44* .10* .09* .08 .06 .10* .12* .56* .65* .66* .80* .83*
  1. Attachment Avoidance T1
510 -0.94 1.05 -.41* -.42* -.36* -.37* -.40* -.39* -.23* -.20* -.22* -.17* -.19* -.20* -.11* -.05 -.06 -.10* -.09* -.06 -.15* -.17* -.18* -.25* -.25* -.21*
  1. Attachment Anxiety T1
510 -0.38 1.09 -.41* -.35* -.32* -.35* -.37* -.38* -.27* -.22* -.20* -.19* -.24* -.22* -.06 .05 .08 .08 .07 .08 -.25* -.26* -.22* -.24* -.26* -.28* .18*
  1. Fear of Negative Evaluation T1
538 3.04 0.80 -.30* -.26* -.25* -.28* -.30* -.28* -.19* -.16* -.14* -.16* -.21* -.19* -.01 .06 .09* .07 .08 .08 -.34* -.35* -.30* -.30* -.31* -.29* .14* .48*
  1. Self-Esteem T1
538 1.44 1.02 .52* .49* .43* .49* .47* .50* .45* .34* .30* .30* .35* .36* .13* .08 .06 .03 .05 .02 .38* .35* .33* .36* .41* .38* -.39* -.53* -.54*
  1. Subjective SES T1
538 66.04 13.19 .05 .05 .04 .01 .03 .04 .09* .06 .02 -.06 -.03 -.06 .05 .02 .03 -.02 .00 -.03 .07 -.01 -.01 -.03 -.01 .00 -.10* -.03 .01 .07
  1. Rejection Sensitivity T1
538 7.12 2.96 -.40* -.39* -.35* -.36* -.37* -.36* -.29* -.16* -.18* -.26* -.28* -.24* -.01 .09* .08 .02 .04 .06 -.24* -.24* -.23* -.25* -.28* -.24* .32* .39* .35* -.41* -.11*
  1. NTS Belonging T3
535 81.60 15.38 .43* .44* .55* .45* .43* .47* .33* .29* .44* .34* .32* .33* .04 .05 .10* .10* .05 .07 .27* .29* .32* .26* .32* .29* -.29* -.30* -.27* .45* .06 -.31*
  1. NTS Belonging T5
536 80.58 15.54 .49* .46* .45* .57* .66* .58* .32* .28* .29* .34* .47* .40* .02 .02 .03 .03 .05 .06 .32* .33* .30* .36* .49* .41* -.32* -.40* -.37* .55* .03 -.34* .69*
  1. NTS Self-Esteem T3
536 70.00 18.61 .39* .42* .46* .37* .37* .39* .38* .34* .38* .32* .34* .34* .05 .08 .06 .04 .03 .05 .38* .41* .42* .34* .42* .39* -.22* -.32* -.44* .59* .06 -.37* .65* .51*
  1. NTS Self-Esteem T5
538 68.26 19.22 .40* .37* .32* .48* .58* .50* .32* .27* .20* .31* .47* .40* .08 .08 .03 .01 .05 .05 .39* .40* .36* .41* .53* .46* -.21* -.42* -.50* .64* .03 -.34* .42* .69* .62*
  1. NTS Control T3
538 53.35 20.12 .20* .24* .27* .23* .23* .25* .23* .25* .31* .22* .25* .24* .12* .14* .13* .13* .15* .17* .32* .38* .38* .36* .40* .38* -.11* -.14* -.23* .34* .00 -.18* .33* .28* .53* .36*
  1. NTS Control T5
538 55.26 20.47 .28* .28* .27* .38* .45* .40* .22* .23* .24* .31* .44* .36* .14* .11* .10* .12* .17* .16* .36* .38* .38* .46* .54* .50* -.19* -.27* -.29* .47* .04 -.28* .33* .49* .46* .63* .56*
  1. NTS Meaning T3
535 79.91 15.45 .38* .39* .44* .41* .39* .43* .37* .35* .44* .36* .35* .35* .11* .15* .14* .12* .09* .11* .31* .32* .34* .29* .34* .35* -.23* -.28* -.31* .54* .04 -.32* .71* .56* .68* .46* .41* .37*
  1. NTS Meaning T5
538 77.92 17.53 .40* .37* .31* .53* .62* .52* .31* .26* .21* .30* .47* .36* .09* .09* .06 .07 .10* .10* .32* .31* .26* .35* .48* .40* -.29* -.37* -.39* .59* .00 -.31* .45* .78* .46* .74* .30* .54* .52*
  1. NTS Overall T3
534 72.00 13.98 .43* .46* .53* .45* .44* .47* .40* .37* .48* .38* .38* .38* .09* .12* .13* .12* .10* .12* .39* .43* .45* .38* .46* .44* -.26* -.32* -.38* .58* .05 -.36* .83* .62* .88* .57* .71* .53* .84* .53*
  1. NTS Overall T5
536 71.24 15.39 .46* .43* .40* .57* .67* .58* .34* .30* .28* .37* .54* .44* .09* .09* .06 .07 .11* .11* .40* .42* .38* .46* .60* .52* -.29* -.43* -.45* .66* .03 -.37* .55* .87* .60* .89* .44* .78* .56* .88* .66*
Note. Heart = the Heart Manikin, NTS = the Need-Threat Scale
Study 1e - Forestplot of Correlations between the Measured Variables and the Heart Manikin Scores

Figure B.6: Study 1e - Forestplot of Correlations between the Measured Variables and the Heart Manikin Scores

I explored whether participants reported different levels of belonging across time, depending on the experimental conditions. Figure B.7 shows the Heart Manikin scores across time and the conditions.

Study 1e - Heart Manikin Scores

Figure B.7: Study 1e - Heart Manikin Scores

I also explored whether participants reported different levels of need-threat between Time 3 and Time 5. Results are plotted in Figure B.8

Need-Threat Scores Across Time and Condition

Figure B.8: Need-Threat Scores Across Time and Condition

I explored whether participants with higher (vs. lower) self-esteem reported different levels of need-threat at Time 5 (after rejection) in a regression model (predictors: the main effect of rejection, the main effect of self-esteem, and the interaction between rejection and self-esteem). Figure B.9 shows the results. I did not find evidence of moderation by self-esteem for the effect of social rejection.

Study 1e - Self-Esteem as a Possible Moderator for the Effect of Rejection on Need-Threat

Figure B.9: Study 1e - Self-Esteem as a Possible Moderator for the Effect of Rejection on Need-Threat

B.2 Study 2

Table B.6: Bivariate Correlations Among the Measures in Study 2
Variable \(n\) \(M\) \(SD\) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  1. Heart (T1)
359 6.21 1.98
  1. Heart (T2)
359 6.32 1.91 .77*
  1. Valence (T1)
359 5.93 1.89 .72* .62*
  1. Valence (T2)
359 6.25 1.76 .57* .74* .71*
  1. Arousal (T1)
359 4.22 1.69 .06 .06 .16* .09
  1. Arousal (T2)
359 4.92 1.89 .00 .13* .08 .19* .58*
  1. Dominance (T1)
359 5.83 1.65 .30* .31* .31* .30* .14* .19*
  1. Dominance (T2)
359 6.10 1.63 .27* .38* .27* .39* .08 .25* .85*
  1. IOS
211 3.07 1.76 -.13 -.04 -.04 .07 -.03 .13 .13 .12
  1. PSI
210 2.21 0.71 -.11 -.04 -.03 .12 -.10 .17* -.01 .01 .60*
  1. Narrative Eng.
357 0.63 0.87 .00 -.01 .06 .08 .04 .13* -.01 .03 .27* .37*
  1. Immersion
359 1.92 1.24 .08 .14* .12* .22* -.05 .10 .08 .14* .24* .29* .40*
  1. Social World
358 -0.12 1.82 .02 .05 .05 .15* -.04 .13* -.02 .04 .48* .57* .41* .28*
  1. Enjoyment
359 2.31 0.72 .11* .15* .16* .29* -.02 .06 .13* .15* .21* .27* .37* .41* .31*
Note. The Ns for IOS and PSI are smaller since only people who indicated they interacted with a non-player character saw these questions. IOS = Inclusion of the Other in Self Scale. PSI = Parasocial Interactrion-Process Scale. Narrative Eng. = Narrative Engagement.

B.2.1 Bivariate Scatter Plot Matrix

Matrix Plot for Study 2 Variables

Figure B.10: Matrix Plot for Study 2 Variables

Word Cloud for Game Titles for the Social Surrogate Condition

Figure B.11: Word Cloud for Game Titles for the Social Surrogate Condition

Word Cloud for Game Titles for the Non-Social Surrogate Condition

Figure B.12: Word Cloud for Game Titles for the Non-Social Surrogate Condition

B.2.2 Main Analysis with Excluded Participants

In the main analysis, I excluded participants based on the preregistered exclusion procedure. Here, I report results including all participants. I used the entire dataset including excluded participats to perform Welch’s t-test to compare the post-esaay Heart Manikin scores (Time 2) between the participants who wrote about the social surrogacy video game and those who wrote about the non-social surrogacy video game. Results were consistent with the analysis without the exculuded participants: participants who wrote about the social surrogacy game () reported similar levels of belonging compared with those who wrote about a non-surrogacy game (, t(417.2) = -0.35, p = .724).

B.2.3 Natural Language Processsing for Essays

I used natural language processing to explore words used in the video game essays. Figure B.13 shows the proportion of the words used within each essay conditions. Words such as “character” and “story” appeared more frequently in the social surrogate essays compared to non-social surrogate essays. On the other hand, words such as “cards,” “goal” appeared more frequently in the non-social surrogate essays than in social surrogate essays.

Proportions of Words Used in Participants Essays Within Each Video Game Conditions. Words along the dashed line appeared equally in across social surrogacy and non-social surrogacy conditions. Words in the upper diagonal appeared more frequently in the social surrogacy condition than in the non-social surrogacy condition. Words in the lower diagnoal appeared more frequently in the non-social surrogacy condition.

Figure B.13: Proportions of Words Used in Participants Essays Within Each Video Game Conditions. Words along the dashed line appeared equally in across social surrogacy and non-social surrogacy conditions. Words in the upper diagonal appeared more frequently in the social surrogacy condition than in the non-social surrogacy condition. Words in the lower diagnoal appeared more frequently in the non-social surrogacy condition.

B.2.4 Exit Questions

Participants saw two debrief questions, one referring to the purpose of the study, and another asking them to share anything about the study. I presented the debriefing questions in a randomized order to explore whether participants provided different amount of information if they were asked about the purpose of the study first, or they were asked to share anything. Results are presented in Figure B.14. In writing about the purpose of the study, participants who were asked about the purpose of the study first left a longer answer than those who were asked to share anything first.

Study 2 - Lengths of Participant Answers to Exit Questions Across Question Order

Figure B.14: Study 2 - Lengths of Participant Answers to Exit Questions Across Question Order

B.3 Study 3

Table B.7: Bivariate Correlations among the Measures in Study 3
Variable \(n\) \(M\) \(SD\) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  1. Heart (T1)
344 6.45 1.90
  1. Heart (T2)
344 6.24 1.87 .66*
  1. Valence (T1)
344 6.00 1.91 .65* .46*
  1. Valence (T2)
344 5.64 2.30 .28* .57* .33*
  1. Arousal (T1)
344 4.24 1.76 .28* .21* .32* .22*
  1. Arousal (T2)
344 5.01 1.97 .17* .33* .17* .52* .43*
  1. Dominance (T1)
343 6.04 1.63 .33* .28* .33* .16* .15* .07
  1. Dominance (T2)
343 6.25 1.72 .19* .51* .18* .49* .11* .29* .51*
  1. IOS
272 2.81 1.72 .08 .15* .06 .27* .14* .26* .08 .29*
  1. Immersion
344 0.21 1.81 .10 .33* .11* .53* .10 .33* -.04 .27* .32*
  1. Social World
337 -0.23 1.52 .13* .33* .10 .53* .11* .35* -.02 .31* .32* .77*
  1. Identification
315 -0.90 0.96 .07 .24* .07 .39* .18* .30* .05 .27* .34* .50* .60*
  1. Enjoyment
342 -0.43 1.62 .03 .28* .04 .55* -.01 .31* -.08 .29* .25* .71* .79* .63*
Note. *p .05. IOS = Inclusion of the Other in Self Scale. The N of IOS is smaller since only those interacted with an NPC answered this question. The Ns for dominance, social world, identification, and enjoyment are smaller due to programming errors and participants skipping questions.
Study 3 - Bivariate Scatter Plot Matrix

Figure B.15: Study 3 - Bivariate Scatter Plot Matrix